actor, did, ginger views, james mcavoy, m. night shymalan, movie, movie review, Movies, multiple personality disorder, Murder Mystery, must see, Mystery, Opinion, psychology, Review, Reviews, Scary movie, split, sweet ginger media

Thanks M. Night Shyamalan For The Nightmares!

Believe me when I say, I'm behind in the times when it comes to movies. I have commitment issues when it comes to sitting down for a two-hour movie. I know that sounds crazy considering that I can sit down and watch ten hours of Friends or I Love Lucy straight, but when it comes… Continue reading Thanks M. Night Shyamalan For The Nightmares!

actress, binge, BINGE-WORTHY, Book, book club, book review, book shelf, Book Worm, Books, cult, cults, documentary, drama, ginger views, leah remini, life lesson, Must Read, must see, must see tv, Mystery, Opinion, program review, Review, Reviews, scientology, sweet ginger media, television, tv, tv program, tv review

Why You Should Listen To Leah Remini & Run Away From Scientology.

There are a lot of scary things in this world. Disease, guns, nuclear war, spiders, axe murderers, clowns, Oprah, terrorism, that woman who has had plastic surgery to look like her cat, natural disasters, freak accidents, The Kardshian family (including Kayne West), snakes, zombies, the dentist, "really smart, very stable men" in power who don't… Continue reading Why You Should Listen To Leah Remini & Run Away From Scientology.